Held Orders
If you notice that your order has been "held", it could be for multiple reasons.
Holding orders is automatic, this gives us time to manually review your order. If it warrants, we will attempt to contact you via email or phone to acquire correct information or to verify matching billing information.
Usually, held orders are reviewed and approved within 48 business hours.
Some common reasons orders are held are:
- Billings and shipping address does not match.
- Credit Card information such as expiration date does not match the card number or your name.
- The Security Code does not match the card number.
- Billing address does not match the address affiliated with your card.
- The order is exceptionally large.
- The order includes a large number of similar items.
- Certain international zip codes that have been red flagged as problematic.
- Your International zip code is not in our shipping system.
If after 48 hours and you haven't heard from us, and your order hasn't shipped, or you have questions concerning your order, please Email us at Red Oxx Red Oxx with your order number - subject line "Held Order" or call us toll free at 1-888-RED-OXXX (1-888-733-6999) Mon-Fri 10am to 5pm MST.