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Red Oxx Help & Information Center

FAQ Contact Us Information and Company Policies

Contact information, email policy, privacy policy, website security and employment.

5 articles

FAQ Exchanges, Warranty Information and Returns

Look here for your downloadable and printable Returns, Exchange and Warranty Forms.

1 article

FAQ Ordering: How to, Mistakes, Cancelling

Discounts, Gift Cards, payment options, back orders, order problems, tracking & more.

19 articles

FAQ Product Information

Seconds, custom modifications, how to use, secure, and waterproof your bags.

30 articles

FAQ Red Oxx Bag Easy Care Guide

How to clean your Red Oxx Bag, how to fix a separated zipper and waterproofing.

5 articles

FAQ Shipping Policies

International shipping, en-route to delivery, shipping carriers, and Holidays.

8 articles